Corso di Porta Ticinese 65
20123 Milano Italia
+39 02 89409358
2a, Rue Des Petits Carmes
1000 Brussels Belgium
+32 23508226
Founded in 1990 by Bernardo Secchi and Paola Vigano, Studio (SBSPV) deals with prospective territorial studies and visions, spatial and landscape planning, urban and public space projects and architecture in different European and international contexts. Professional activity and research characterize the Studio: fine descriptions and explorations of the future feed its design research, contributing to the redefinition of the role of design in contemporary society.The Studio has won numerous international competitions and completed many projects including: the new Theatre Square and Spoor Noord Park in Antwerp, both prized as best public spaces in Flanders, along with the construction of the City Structural Plan (external consultants); a system of public spaces in Mechelen, finalist of the European Prize of public spaces, the cemetery and the Grote Markt in Kortrijk. The Courrouze district in Rennes (where Studio coordinates, since 2003, the implementation of the masterplan for 4500 new dwellings, and designs the public spaces) is currently under completion and has won the Prix « Nature en ville » du palmarés Ecoquartier 2011, Ministère de l'Ecologie (France). The Hostel Wadi (Flanders) project was selected for the Mies Van der Rohe European Union for Contemporary Architecture Prize in 2015. Studio has worked on constructing visions for some important metropolitan areas: Le Grand Paris, métropole de l’après Kyoto; a vision for Brussels 2040, Lille 2030 and Montpellier 2040... In 2012, Studio was selected to propose a vision on New Moscow.
Since 2015, StudioPaolaViganò (SPV) works on the ecological and social transition of cities, landscapes and territories designing urban and territorial projects and realizing public spaces in Europe. Studio has just concluded a new public park in Dessel Nuclear Research center (Belgium); a vision for the Blue Park of the Eurometropolis Lille-Tournai-Courtrai, between France and Belgium; the vision and strategic projects for the Heart of the Brest metropolis in Britanny (France); it is investigating the post-industrial Walloon Region in Belgium realizing several visions, urban regeneration projects and plans for its cities. Studio has recently won the competitions for a new system of public spaces in Tournai (Belgium), now under realization, for a new square in Brussels and for two of the Ring Parks in Antwerp, part of the big “Capping the ring” project. In Brussels, Studio is also realising public spaces in two social housing neighbourhood, Peterbos and Esseghem.
Today, Studio has also recently won the competition for the realization of the municipal plan (PdCom) of Lugano (Switzerland) and is consultant of the City of Geneva for its municipal plan (PdCom). Studio also contributes to the new agglomeration plan of Great Geneva with the investigation of the Chablais trans-border territory, between France and Switzerland. Studio is finally coordinating the Strategic Scheme for the recovery of the Vesdre Valley (Berlgium) after the flooding catastrophe of 2021.

Paola Viganò
Paola Viganò architect and urbanist, is Full Professor in Urban Theory and Urban Design at the EPFL (CH) (where she directs the Habitat Research Center and the Lab-U) and at IUAV Venice (IT). She received the Grand Prix de l’Urbanisme in 2013, the title of Doctor Honoris Causa by the UCLouvain in 2016 in the frame of “Utopia for our Time”, the Flemish Culture Award for Architecture in 2017, and the Golden medal to the career of Milano Triennale in 2018. Together with Bernardo Secchi, she founded Studio (1990-2014) working on numerous projects and visions in Europe. Since 2015, StudioPaolaViganò works on the ecological and social transition of cities, landscapes and territories designing urban and territorial projects and realizing public spaces in Europe as the new public park in Dessel Nuclear Research center (Belgium), or Marie Janson Plein in Brussels, together with VVV. Studio has also won the competition for the realization of the municipal plan (PdCom) of Lugano (Switzerland), just completed and is consultant of the City of Geneva for its municipal plan (PdCom). Studio is finally coordinating the Strategic Scheme for the recovery of the Vesdre Valley (Belgium) after the flooding catastrophe of 2021 summer.
In 2019, her work has been exhibited at the Shenzen Biennale and in 2021 at the Venice Biennale.
In 2022, she receives the Schelling Prize for Architectural Theory.
Among her recent publications:
Viganò Paola (2022), «Life as a Common: Space for a New Biopolitical Project» in New Geographies 12, Commons, Mojdeh Mahdavi and Liang Wang, eds., Harvard University Press.
Cavalieri Chiara & Viganò Paola (2019), eds., The Horizontal Metropolis. A Radical Project, Zürich: Park Books.
Viganò Paola (2016), Territories of Urbanism. The Project as knowledge Producer, Routledge-EPFL Press.
Viganò Paola, Secchi Bernardo and Fabian Lorenzo, (2016), eds., Water and Asphalt. The Project of Isotropy, Zürich.
Team Members
Alessio Tamiazzo (1990, Padua, Italy) Architect Iuav (2015), graduated with a thesis on different environmental scenarios for the Po Valley.
Since 2018, he has been a teaching assistant at Iuav University for the Landscape and the Urban Design studios and is part of the research group “Brownfields and landscape redevelopment” with which he participated in the PRIN 2017 “SYLVA. rethinking the selva”and PRIN 2009 “From the urbanised countryside to the city in extension”.
He lectured in multiple occasions (UrbanPromo, Uni-Hannover, Order of Architects in Rome, etc.). In 2017 he is selected by Fondazione Benetton for the landscape recovery of the historical garden of Villa Farsetti in Santa Maria di Sala (with P. Burgi, L. Latini, G. Rallo).
He has been working with Studio since 2014, he is project leader for the Flaminio project in Rome and leads the studio in several competitions across Europe.
Etienne Schillers,(1990, Reims, France) State architect (2015) then HMONP (2021) from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture et de Paysage de Lille, he has been collaborating with StudioPaolaViganò since 2016. He was an assistant at EPFLausanne in 2018 and is an assistant at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Liège, where he teaches urban and territorial design.
As a project manager, he has taken part in the design and thinking behind numerous projects and researches, such as the OVK province's transition scenarios (Rotterdam Biennale), the Eurometropole's blue space project and the strategic scheme for the Vesdre watershed. Since 2017, he has been monitoring the redevelopment project for the Tournai train station plateau.
Qinyi Zhang (1985, Hangzhou, China) is a senior designer and project manager responsible for important urban and landscape projects and exhibitions at Studio Paola Viganò / Studio Secchi-Viganò since 2009.
He was a post-doc researcher (2018-2020) at the Lab-U and Habitat Research Center in EPFL, Lausanne, teaching at the design studio, working on research projects including the Greater Geneva Consultation, and in charge of the EPFL part of the “TOD-IS-RUR Transit Oriented Development for Inclusive and Sustainable Rural-Urban Regions”—a Marie Skłodowska-Curie project. He received his Ph.D. in Urbanism at IUAV Venezia in 2018. He obtained the degree in urbanism in TU Delft (European Postgraduate Master in Urbanism) and the degree in architecture in Zhejiang University, China.
He was a jury member and external critic in ULB, IUAV Venezia, and GSD at Harvard University. He lectured in TU Delft (NL), CityU (Hong Kong CN), Sint-Lucas Ghent (BE), KU Leuven (BE), and Zhejiang University (CN) among other universities.
Bertrand Plewinski (1989, Liège, Belgium) holds a degree in architecture from UCL Brussels and an advanced master's degree in town and country planning from UCL Louvain. He gained professional experience at Studio Paola Viganò, where he has worked since 2016.
He has worked on several territorial studies and master plans in Belgium and France, such as the Guide Plan for Brest Metropolis and Val-de-Sambre, the Citroën-Bassin Vergote-Parc Maximilien CRU and the redevelopment of the ACEC site in Herstal. He was also involved in coordinating the “Horizontal Metropolis” exhibition at BOZAR and “The Biopolitical Garden” at Venice Biennial of Architecture. As project manager in Brussels, he was involved in the creation of Place Marie Janson, and is currently coordinating the Peterbos project and Parc Ouest.
He has been jury member and invited speaker in several universities and institutions such as UCL Tournai, Brussels and Louvain-la-Neuve, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech - ULiège, EPFL - Lausanne, ESA Saint-Luc Brussels, BMA Brussels.
Simona Bodria (1976, Milan, Italie) graduated in architecture at Milan Politecnico in 2001, with one year Erasmus experience at ETSAM in Madrid. Before the collaboration with Paola Viganò, she experienced in multiple Architecture and Urban firms in Milan, working on projects at different scales, from interior design until public space and urban scale. She was also teaching assistant at many urban design studios in Politecnico di Milano from 2002 to 2009.
Since 2005 she is part of Studio Paola Viganò: she currently works on general management competitions and in many projects for urban public spaces in France and Italy, leading the internal team and coordinating external consultant from design conception stage, trough the development of final and executive project designs until the realization, supervising the construction site phase.
Morvan Rabin (1988, Lorient, France) is a geographer and urban planner graduated from the University of Western Brittany in 2009 and in architectural and urban planning from the Paris Institute of Urban Planning and ENSA Paris-Malaquais in 2011.
He has worked in urban planning-architecture-landscape agencies since 2011, and mainly for SBSPV, now SPV. In addition, he was personally selected for the Europan 12 and 14 competitions and led the ensuing urban and landscape studies on his own behalf.
At the same time, he has experience of botanical gardens in France (Jardins de Kerdalo) and England (Gravetye Manor) and was involved in the maintenance and development of the arboretum "Les Arbres du Monde au Huelgoat" from 2017 to 2020, which gives him a particular sensitivity to the place of plants and trees in territories and cities.
Since 2016, he has been an active member of the Agrof'Ile association, which aims to develop agroforestry and living soils in the Ile-de-France region.
Collaborators :
Silvia Urbano, ir.architect / collaboration since 2012
Rodin Desplechin, architect / collaboration since 2020
Nathan Fredrick, ir.architect - urban planner / collaboration since 2021
Mattia del Fabbro, architect / collaboration since 2022
Darya Shubenina, architect / collaboration since 2022
Valentina Morgante, architect / collaboration since 2022
Giulia Maida, architect / collaboration since 2022
Maria Medushevskaya, architect / collaboration since 2022
Chandelle Cifende, architect / collaboration since 2023
Loan Laurent, architect / collaboration since 2023
Carlotta Bertuccioli, architect / collaboration since 2024
Francesca Rocco, architect / collaboration since 2024
Gauthier Stevens, architect / collaboration since 2024
Italia Galluccio, secretary / collaboration since 1994
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Past members:
Achille Pelletier,
Adrien Lefevre,
Alessia Calò,
Alexander Wegener,
Carmen Van Maercke,
Christophe Monfort,
Giacomo Mantelli,
Gianluca Masiero,
Guillaume Vanneste,
Jordi de Vlam,
Kasumi Yoshida,
Kathleen De Beukelaer,
Klara Sladeckova,
Kobe Pillen,
Laura Dalla Pietà,
Laura May Dessagne,
Laure Thierrée,
Maarten Wauters,
Manu Vanderveken,
Marie van Loon,
Mathilde Meurice,
Matthias Lamberts,
Maurizio Mascia,
Michael Stas,
Paola Serventi,
Pietro Manaresi,
Sebastien Declercq,
Stefano Gariglio,
Stella Armel,
Thomas Brun,
Uberto Degli Uberti,
Veerle Cox.
A. Longo,
Adrien Lefèvre,
Alessia Calò,
Alvise Pagnacco,
Ana Rafful,
Andrea Carlesso,
Andrea Morpurgo,
Ani Taflica,
Anna Moro,
Anna Nesterova,
Annacarla Secchi,
Barbara Martino,
Carla Greco,
Carlo Neidhart,
Carlo Pisano,
Chiara Cavalieri,
Christian Nitti,
Christophe Mathieu,
Chunxiao Liang,
D. Formentini,
Dao Ming Chang,
Ece Emanetoğlu,
Elena Longhin,
Elisa Alfier,
Emmanuel Giannotti,
Fabio D'Agnano,
G. Trentuno,
Giambattista Zaccariotto,
Giorgio Manzoni,
Giovanna Comana,
Giovanni De Roia,
Greta Giunta,
Griet Lambrechts,
Guillaume Vanneste,
Günter Pusch,
Ilaria Mancini,
Irene Cogliano,
Jan Leenknegt,
Kaat Boon,
Kasumi Yoshida,
Kobe Pillen,
L. Piperno,
Lora Rudko,
Larisa Rudko,
Laura-May Dessagne,
Laure Thierrée,
Lorenzo Fabian,
Maarten Wauters,
Maria Luisa Carloni,
Marine Durand,
Matteo D’Ambros,
Michele Girelli,
Michiel Dehaene,
Mieke Tanghe,
Myron Devolder,
N. Privileggio,
Nardo Goffi,
Nicolas Fonty,
P. Castignani,
Pauline Varloteaux,
Pieter Ochelen,
Pieter Thibaut,
Qinyi Zhang,
Rita Miglietta,
Roberto Sega,
S. Rizzotti,
Stefania Dussin,
Stefano Peluso,
Stella Armeli Iapichino,
Steven Geeraert,
T. Kadvrov,
Teresa Cos,
Tom van Mighiem,
Tommaso Fait,
Tullia Lombardo,
Uberto degli Uberti,
Umberta Dufour,
Veronica Saddi,
Wim Wambecq.
To apply send a e-mail at: studio@studiopaolavigano.eu or studiobrussels@studiopaolavigano.eu Architect / landscaper / urban planner (Fluency in Dutch is an plus) Credits website - Design and Development: Artisan Graphique